Dental implants are artificial components that replace one or more missing teeth in order to solve the associated tooth loss. A dental implant is an artificial part that interfaces securely with the patient's existing bone or gum to serve as an anchor for a dental prosthetic including a bridge, crown, denture, dental implants or as an orthodontic support. There are many types of dental implants available and their location, function and cost varies according to their use. The most common implants include dentures, bridges and crowns.
A dental implant usually consists of a single artificial tooth root, which is rooted in the gums. The artificial root is typically made from either titanium porcelain or a composite material to mimic the original tooth root. The most common type of dental implants used to restore missing teeth are dental bridges, which are constructed from dental implants that rest on the adjacent teeth and are held in place with dental cement or dental veneers. Another common type of dental implant replacement conducted by professional dental implants specialist includes dentures, which are supported by a dental implant that is placed into the bone on either side of the damaged tooth or teeth.
The dental implants and tooth roots that support them are implanted into the bone in a gapped region so that they can be secured in place permanently. This allows the tooth to be restored to its full healthy function and prevents tooth decay. Dental crowns function in much the same way as dental implants in that a complete arch of the crown is replaced by a tooth root. This restores the tooth to a healthy and symmetrical shape.
In some situations, there may be a need for different types of dental implants treatment depending on the underlying cause of a tooth loss. An impacted wisdom tooth, for example, may require different types of dental implants treatment depending on whether it moves or slips out of position during chewing. It is important to consult with an experienced dentist if this occurs. In addition, the teeth surrounding a lost tooth may also need different types of treatment based on their position and potential cause. If a tooth is knocked out of alignment by an accident or through the natural course of aging, it may require placement of a bridge or crown in addition to the dental implants used to restore the tooth to proper shape.
During the placement of dental implants, it is important for the oral health of both the patient and the dental implants to be monitored to ensure that the implants are correctly functioning. For this reason, it is very common for a periodontist to be involved in the process of placement. The periodontist will use x-rays, CT scans and other diagnostic tools to help determine the best placement for the dental implants. It is possible for a periodontist to provide post-operative instructions to patients who have completed their surgical procedure. In most cases, however, the patient can continue with his or her normal daily activities after the surgical procedure has been completed. However, there are certain situations where the patient should discuss how he or she can return to normal daily activities, including any restrictions or limitations related to the mouth, teeth and gums. Do you wish to have your teeth checked and implants done? Click on this tab to have all the necessary information needed now!
When dental implants are used to restore a missing tooth, the prosthetic root is placed into the bone of the neighboring jaw. This new root is attached to the prosthetic using titanium screws. Once the screw is secured in place, the crowns or capillaries are installed over the titanium prosthetic root. In order to maintain the proper function of the tooth, it is important for the patient to take good care of the gum tissues surrounding the implant. Regular brushing and flossing of the gum tissues are necessary to maintain healthy attachment of the prosthetic root to the bone. If a person is interested in learning more about the installation of dental implants, he or she should contact a periodontist to discuss his or her options and how he or she can become informed about the procedures. For more information, click here: